Red White & Blue &Gymnastics

If you decide to do this, keep your choices simple. I chose to use cheese, crackers, turkey, watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, potato chips tortilla chips, and dip. This is one of my earlier children's parties, so I simply used plastic trays for everything. Today, my preference would be glass. Beautiful glass serving trays are easy to find on sale at your favorite department store, or you can go to the boutique (Goodwill, or other thrift store) and browse for these items. Glassware are small worthwhile investments that can be reused for years to come.
Another fun addition to this party were the red, white and blue leis that were given to the parents, which helped them to feel a part of the festivities. I also gave the kids colorful headbands. At the end of the party, they all received medals. All can be found on Amazon.