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The No More Excuses: Stand Up! Conference is now put on by the S.T.A.N.D.U.P, a 501c3 which is operated by Tajuana TJ Butler-Jackson and her husband, Robert Jackson, since 2013. The Stand Up Conference is held every year in May in Indianapolis, Indiana, where men of all ages come together through interactive workshops. The goal of the conference is to break generational curses and to equip men to become better accountable for their actions and to be challenged to increase value for education.


In addition to speakers, enjoy breakfast, lunch, snacks, conference T-shirt and a conference bag. There is also an interactive exhibitor area for organizations to share beneficial information with attendees.


An additional benefit to attendees are the give-a-ways. Each year attends win bikes, laptops, ipads, gift cards and other great gifts. Seniors and college students walk away with scholarship money.


For more information about the conference, including how to attend, how to sponsor, or how to exhibit, please visit the site:

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